Got a goal? Got to find a pathway
Having a goal for what you want to do in the future is awesome, but how do you get there? You need to find a pathway! A pathway is basically a series of steps you take to edge you closer to getting that job you want or achieving that goal.
Step 1: Do your research
Learn about what it’s like to do the job. Talk to people who work in the field, get online and do some research or organise work experience. Finding out about your chosen field of work will help you decide if it’s right for you.
Step 2: What skills do you need?
Find out what skills you need and how you can build them. There are usually many ways to build the skills for the job you’re interested in, including doing work experience, volunteering or studying.
So to be an astronaut, you could study engineering, try for an internship at NASA or do a masters in scuba diving.
Step 3: Build your networks
Your networks are the people or groups of people you know and trust who can help you with your job search or in achieving your employment goals. One way to start building these networks is through volunteering. This is a great way to connect with people who can vouch for you in the future, while also gaining some experience.
For tips on finding your dream job, check out our article Five steps to your dream career.