You have an important role helping young people transition from school into work.
You can help young people by being a source of practical information and offering encouragement and constructive suggestions.
Job Jumpstart can help you in your role.
The website offers a range of information, tools, videos and links to complementary resources to support young people’s post school pathway.
Tools and resources
In the Job Jumpstart Toolbox you will find fact sheets, tips sheets and workbooks which you might like to use in lesson plans. The resources align with six key learning areas:
- Job search strategy: uncover all the different places where young people can find job vacancies and get tips on how to approach employers directly
- Applying for jobs: help demystify the process of writing resumes and cover letters and performing at interviews
- Know about jobs and employers: help your students understand labour market demand, where the jobs are, what employers want and what’s expected of them in the workplace
- Know what you want and can offer: build your students' self-awareness about what they want to get out of work right now, what they want in the long-term and what they have to offer employers
- Work experience: help young people understand the benefits of work experience, the different ways they can organise it, plus using it to impress employers and making career decisions
- Networking and personal presentation: build your students' communication skills by helping them develop confidence in talking to employers
Working through resources in the Job Jumpstart Toolbox with your students can support them to develop and apply practical skills in communication, planning and organising and self-management.
You can have confidence in the Job Jumpstart resources because they were developed in association with professionally recognised career advisers from the Career Industry Council of Australia.
Talking to parents about their child's post-school pathway?
Check out our article 'Five myths about higher education' for information and interesting facts about university and VET.
Resume Quiz
The Job Jumpstart Resume Quiz is an engaging, fun and easy-to-use learning tool that aims to educate job seekers on how to draft and tailor a resume to a specific job.
This tool asks users to help one of our virtual job seekers to tailor their resume to a job they want. The tool includes prompts and hints to help users build a resume that matches the job seeker's skills and experience to the needs of the employer.
We'd love your feedback on the quiz and how we can improve the tool. The quiz takes around 10 minutes to complete.
Ordering hardcopy products
We also offer a range of products for distribution to students including our Job Jumpstart postcards and our Job search basics workbook. To request copies of these products please email us at jobjumpstart@dewr.gov.au.