An Australian School-based Apprenticeship is a great way to get valuable work experience and a head start on your career! And you can do it while you are still at school completing your senior school certificate.
What is an Australian School-based Apprenticeship?
An Australian School-based Apprenticeship allows senior secondary school students to:
- combine paid employment as an apprentice or trainee and off-the-job vocational training with secondary school studies
- gain hands-on industry experience
- work towards or complete a nationally recognised qualification.
You will need to talk to your school about being released from classes to attend work and training. You will also need to find an employer to work for. Your career adviser or teachers may be able to help you with this.
What trades and occupations can I work in?
As an Australian School-based Apprentice you can undertake training in a traditional trade or other occupation at the Certificate I, II, III, IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma level.
Australian Apprenticeships are available in more than 500 occupations, so chances are there’ll be one that matches your interests.
If you aren't sure what role might suit you, you can visit the Australian Apprenticeships website for quizzes and other information.
How long does it take to complete?
An Australian Apprenticeship can take from one to four years to complete. This depends on the type of apprenticeship or traineeship that you are doing, the industry and the qualification. It also depends on the speed at which you progress through the training. You may be able to complete your training by the time you finish school or you may need to finish your training after you graduate from school.
Real stories: Yuseph's school based apprenticeship
Watch Yuseph’s story about doing a school-based apprenticeship, and having plans of making a difference in the lives of those in need.